4 Ways To Maintain Your Leather Furniture (Cost-)Efficiently

We all know the allure of getting leather furniture—elegant pieces of furnishings that bring new light to your living space that are meant to last a lifetime. They add character to the space they’re added to, enhancing the visual appeal of the entire room effortlessly. 

But this timeless charm of leather furniture doesn’t maintain itself. It requires a significant amount of care and maintenance to help it look as good as new for a long time. While it’s ideal to call for professional cleaning and maintenance services to help manage your leather furniture around your living space, there are times when it just isn’t possible. But fear not! With a few easy and safe practices, you can keep them looking great for long. (Psst…they are cost-effective too!)


  1. Clean & Vacuum Regularly

Leather is a material that only gets better with regular maintenance and cleaning. Hence, having a cleaning routine—we’re talking at least once a week—can help your leather upholstery look exquisite and new for a lifetime!

Cleaning a leather lounge is not that difficult. You can start by vacuuming all the nooks and crannies to ensure nothing remains wedged between the cushions; ensure you use a soft brush attachment. Then, use a damp cloth to wipe the upholstery surface to rid it of any impurities sticking to it. Finally, ensure that you leave the furniture to dry naturally. Even if you use just a damp cloth, leather upholstery can crease due to moisture and drying naturally is best to preserve its look.


  1. Use Special Cleaning Products

It is ideal for you to clean your leather furniture once every two to four weeks using special cleaning products designed particularly for the upkeep of leather. 

You should stay away from industry-grade wipes and sprays designed for multiple surfaces to avoid damage to your leather. Instead, choose specialised cleaning solutions to clean your furniture while following the instructions given on the products. 

Additionally, it is a great practice to use moisturising solutions and creams to prevent your leather furniture from cracking and withering. 


  1. Take Care Of Stains Immediately

Staining is only natural on any piece of furniture around the house, but timely action can save your leather furniture.

If you have accidental wine spills or ink stains, ensure you call a professional cleaning service to take care of them. While certain home remedies can still work on the other stains, grease and oil smears are difficult to remove. Using a damp cloth or water-based solutions can only make matters worst. Hence, it is crucial that you consult a professional in such cases.


  1. Keep Away From Sunlight

It won’t matter how much you clean, moisturise, and manage your leather furniture if you would keep it under direct sunlight because it would cause immense damage to the upholstery.

Direct heat and sunlight can cause dryness and cracking to the leather surface, causing your furniture to looking worn out too quickly. Cracks would also allow for more deposition of dirt and dust. To ensure your leather furniture lasts long, minimise contact with direct sunlight.  

Leather maintenance isn’t easy. While multiple sources can tell you home remedies and ‘hot tips’ to help your leather furniture last long, it is a better choice to hire a professional leather lounge cleaner, as you can rest assured that your furniture will always be in great hands.